How to reduce energy costs in food logistics

05244 9066943 Linkedin Instagram Facebook ABOUT US INDUSTRY JOBS TRAINING CONTACT Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler and Food Retail Trucking and Service Warehouse Carcass Disposal Feed Transport Washing Plants Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler and Food Retail Trucking and Service Warehouse Carcass Disposal Feed Transport Washing Plants Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 How to reduce energy costs in food logistics? In... Read more about How to reduce energy costs in food logistics

Ralph Brinkhaus MdB enthusiastic about resource savings from KATMA CleanControl

Ralph Brinkhaus with Felix and Patrick Kathöfer

05244 9066943 Linkedin Instagram Facebook ABOUT US INDUSTRIES JOBS TRAINING CONTACT Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesalers and Food Retail Trucking and Service Warehouse Carcass Disposal Feed Transport Washing Plants Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesalers and Food Retail Trucking and Service Warehouse Carcass Disposal Feed Transport Washing Plants Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Ralph Brinkhaus (Mdb) is enthusiastic about KATMA's sustainability... Ralph BrinkhausMdB enthusiastic about KATMA CleanControl's resource savings read more

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NRW State Parliament President André Kuper visits KATMA CleanControl

Felix Kathöfer (left) explains the idea of the start-up to André Kuper

05244 9066943 Linkedin Instagram Facebook ABOUT US INDUSTRY JOBS TRAINING CONTACT Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler and food retailer Truck trade and service Warehouse Carcass disposal Feed forwarding Washing systems Slaughterhouse Food Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler and food retailer Truck trade and service Warehouse Carcass disposal Feed forwarding Washing systems Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 High-ranking visit to the young start-up KATMA CleanControl The... Read more aboutNRW State Parliament President André Kuper visits KATMA CleanControl

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What is the HACCP concept - and how to implement it

HIER VORFÜHRUNG VEREINBAREN ÜBER UNS SPEDITIONEN WASCHANLAGEN BRANCHEN Close BRANCHEN Open BRANCHEN Schlachthof Lebensmittel Pharma Großhändler und LEH LKW-Handel und Service Warehouse Kadaver Entsorgung Futtermittel Speditionen Waschanlagen JOBS AUSBILDUNG KONTAKT Schlachthof Lebensmittel Pharma Großhändler und LEH LKW-Handel und Service Warehouse Kadaver Entsorgung Futtermittel Speditionen Waschanlagen Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 Was ist das HACCP… Was ist das HACCP Konzept – und wie Sie es umsetzen weiterlesen

KATMA CleanControl launches new fully automated reefer cleaner

HIER VORFÜHRUNG VEREINBAREN ÜBER UNS SPEDITIONEN WASCHANLAGEN BRANCHEN Close BRANCHEN Open BRANCHEN Schlachthof Lebensmittel Pharma Großhändler und LEH LKW-Handel und Service Warehouse Kadaver Entsorgung Futtermittel Speditionen Waschanlagen JOBS AUSBILDUNG KONTAKT Schlachthof Lebensmittel Pharma Großhändler und LEH LKW-Handel und Service Warehouse Kadaver Entsorgung Futtermittel Speditionen Waschanlagen Item #1 Item #2 Item #3 KATMA CleanControl innoviert LKW-Laderaumreinigung… KATMA CleanControl innoviert LKW-Laderaumreinigung weiterlesen

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